Create a Job in Seconds using Smart Jobs

Time Saver
Quick & Easy


Create a Job in One Click

With a quick search find the job you need to add to any RO with just a click. Automatically responding to the specific vehicle, Smart Jobs will pull the correct labor rate, source the parts, and apply relevant matrices.

Create a Job in One Click

With a quick search find the job you need to add to any RO with just a click. Automatically responding to the specific vehicle, Smart Jobs will pull the correct labor rate, source the parts, and apply relevant matrices.

Source Prefered Parts Directly in Tekmetric

If you don’t have the part required in your inventory, Smart Jobs will automatically allow you to buy your preferred without leaving the job building page.

"The less time you have to worry about these things the more time you can spend talking to customers, helping them and actually fixing cars."

Chris Chagnon
Cardinal Plaza Shell

Build Multi-Vehicle Canned Jobs

Create one canned job and allow Smart Jobs to tailor it perfectly depending on the vehicle you are building the job for.

Build Multi-Vehicle Canned Jobs

Create one canned job and allow Smart Jobs to tailor it perfectly depending on the vehicle you are building the job for.

Peace of Mind

Smart Jobs does all the work, you no longer have to double check for mistakes. Tekmetric will pull all the correct data and required information for the job builder.

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Revolutionize your shop today!

Revolutionize your shop today!