Maximizing Tire Management to Elevate Your Shop’s Business

Measure Up Your Shop’s Efficiency and Customer Satisfaction with Tekmetric + Tire Suite

Maximizing Tire Management to Elevate Your Shop’s Business
Director of Channel Partnerships
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Originally published on:
May 31, 2024

Today’s vehicle owners look for shops that prioritize their evolving needs, and many gravitate towards shops that take care of their entire vehicle in the most efficient manner, from the engine to the tires. As vehicle owners look for a one-stop auto repair shop, shop owners have the unique opportunity to expand their business by also selling tires. This is where Tekmetric’s Tire Suite comes in — a solution that simplifies tire management, letting you save time while leveraging the opportunity to expand your service offerings.

Tire Suite is a feature that your shop can add onto your existing Tekmetric plan. With this add-on, you have access to tire-specific features that allow you to view data specific to your tires and in turn make informed decisions to support that area of your business. By maximizing the information in Tire Suite appropriately, you can open the door to this new business stream – without losing efficiency in your shop. Here are three ways you maximize tire management in your shop:  

1. Time is money – streamline processes to maintain efficiency 

Effective shop management saves you time and money – and there are several simple ways you can apply this strategy to the tire portion of your business. For instance, with Tire Suite, you can reduce the amount of time it takes to register Department of Transportation (DOT) numbers when you sell a tire. DOT registration with Tire Suite registers DOT identification numbers electronically with the appropriate tire manufacturer via the Tiremetrix integration. In addition, you get real-time feedback when entering a DOT number in the system to ensure the validity and recall status of the tire.

Instead of having to worry about compliance or losing hours of time to DOT# entry, your service advisors can gain time back with Tire Suite’s automated registration process. Typically, DOT number registration is a manual task, and the time it takes to enter each number can add up to hours of labor time depending on your shop’s sales. Tekmetric’s Tire Suite allows your service advisors to spend less time entering information and more time with the customer.  By streamlining manual processes like DOT registration, your shop can handle more work in less time and maximize profitability – all while offering a more convenient and comfortable process for vehicle owners.

2. Leverage accurate data to maximize tire shelf life

In addition to tire compliance, it is also important to set up a system where the tires are used in a timely fashion. Tire Suite allows your team to track inventory and maximize the use of available tires while also making sure tires do not sit too long on the shelf. This requires a bit of finesse, and that’s where Tire Suite comes in. Now, service writers can quickly look up all tires for preferred brands that will fit a vehicle and source them directly from inventory or add as a needed job part. 

In addition, tire fitment data allows you to access detailed tire specifications in the RO sidebar for a specific vehicle. For example, if you have a vehicle that needs staggered tires, the data will ensure you get two tires of each type rather than four of the same size. That attention to detail is made possible by leveraging tire-related data – and it can make a significant impact on growing that portion of your business.

3. Build and retain customer loyalty

Once a dealership warranty ends, 70% of customers will seek a repair shop they know they can trust and remain loyal to. Customers value convenience and comfort. When those needs are met, they are more likely to trust your shop and return to do business with you time and time again. 

Shops with the highest retention rates often make tires a part of their business because customers are looking to kill two birds with one stone. Conversely, by not selling tires, you can even hurt your retention rate. When you choose to offer tire management services and provide them in an efficient manner, you are more likely to maintain your customer retention rate because vehicle owners will have everything they need in the hands of their favorite shop.

Adding tire services to your auto repair offerings may seem daunting – but the opportunities far outweigh the challenges. When you leverage the appropriate tools for tire management, such as Tekmetric’s Tire Suite, you can maintain your shop’s efficiency and meet vehicle owners’ needs without missing a beat. The result? Happy, returning customers – and growth in your bottom line over time. 

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