Tekmetric Named Leader 9 Times in G2's 2023 Fall Spotlight

Tekmetric was chosen as the clear category leader for auto repair software once again.

Tekmetric Named Leader 9 Times in G2's 2023 Fall Spotlight
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Originally published on:
May 16, 2024
We're proud to announce that Tekmetric was chosen again for NINE different awards in G2's Fall Spotlight for 2023!

It turns out that the shop owners, service writers, general managers, and technicians that rely on Tekmetric everyday chose us once again as the clear market leader on G2!

Okay, okay, we're sorry for another humble brag... But this is really more about you, the users than it is about us! If you're not familiar, G2 is a peer-to-peer review site. Users just like you can submit reviews and vote on the tools they use everyday, like Tekmetric.

Really, this is all thanks to all the amazing independent shops that do great work every day with Tekmetric. The shops that keep people's vehicles safe and reliable. The heroes that get their customers back on the road every single day!

We were just chosen because you all love us so much! 😳

But that's not all. Tekmetric was also chosen for how easy it is to get your shop up and running!

  • Most Implementable Fall 2023
  • Most Implementable Small Business Fall 2023
  • Fastest Implementation Fall 2023
  • Momentum Leader Fall 2023
  • Leader Fall 2023

We totally get it, the last thing you want is to have to pause everything you're doing and let the bills pile up, just to relearn how to run your own shop.

That's why we make it as easy as possible, handling all the heavy lifting so your shop can sit back, relax, and hit the ground running right away!

That kind of makes sense, considering Tekmetric was chosen as one of the easiest shop management systems to do business with. 

  • Leader Fall 2023
  • Easiest To Do Business With Fall 2023
  • Easiest To Do Business With Small Business Fall 2023

Tekmetric comes from shop owners, advisors, technicians, and managers just like you. We live, breathe, and execute innovation, the kind of innovation your shops need to get even more value out of the work that shops like yours already do!

We're always working hard to make Tekmetric even better!

Thank you! Thank you for partnering with us, and thank you for helping us create the best possible solution for running an independent auto repair shop!

We're excited to be awarded and regarded so highly, and we strive to keep that level of excellence and support at every step in your shop.

Tekmetric is always being updated, and we’ll never stop working with and supporting shops to help them run efficiently and with fewer headaches, so you can focus on doing what you love!

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