Tekmetric is Made By Shops Like Yours

Our customers who rely on Tekmetric daily have the valuable insight we need to make Tekmetric the best system for running your shop!

Tekmetric is Made By Shops Like Yours
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This year, we set out on a mission— to get up close and personal with our incredible customers like you. We hit the road, visiting shops far and wide, diving into your stories, experiences and meeting the amazing teams that define Tekmetric.

When he set off to create Tekmetric, founder and CEO Sunil Patel had an ace up his sleeve: experience running his independent auto repair shop.

Running a repair shop is the background of everything we do. It's that partnership between Tekmetric and the auto repair shops that leverage the platform daily that enable us to build the absolute best tool for the job: running an independent auto repair shop.

So we set out on a mission to deepen our connection with our customers and understand each shop's unique challenges and wins by visiting as many customers as possible.

We wanted to understand the unique challenges and victories each shop faces, to truly deepen our connection with you. The results? It blew us away. Your stories, your shops and your teams are the heart of what we do. You inspire us every day to provide the best solutions for the independent auto repair industry.

Tekmetric's Customer Obsession

Whether your shop is general repair, like brakes, fluids and check engine lights, or a specialized business focused on older European cars, there’s one thing that’s always the same: the amazing, critical work your shop does to get people back on the road!

And it’s your amazing shops that use Tekmetric that make all this possible. Our customers' valuable feedback is what helps us develop a better platform, and the proof is in the pudding.

Just look at all the awards we’ve been winning because of our users, like you!

What We Hear from Independent Auto Repair Shops

No one knows what it takes to run an independent auto repair shop better than the teams that rely on Tekmetric to power their operations.

Here's what we heard from shops and why they love Tekmetric:

Tekmetric's ease of use and simplicity in running your shop

Everything you need to run your shop is organized, tracked, and maintained in one tool.

Whether you're a shop owner peaking into real-time performance reports or analyzing shop trends, a general manager ensuring cars flow quickly and efficiently through your shops, a service advisor supporting customers, or even a technician fixing cars, Tekmetric can help your shop operate like a well-oiled inline 6.

Tekmetric empowers shop to grow and reach their next level

We constantly hear how shop owners have leveraged Tekmetric to grow their business in ways they never expected.

Whether that means opening and managing multiple locations, simply adding a few new bays moving into a larger location, or even expanding your operations to service more customers, Tekmetric's simplicity and complete control over your shop makes it easy to track, plan, and grow.

Tekmetric's commitment to transparency and communication

Because we're so customer-obsessed, we're always here to help! As a cloud-based solution, Tekmetric helps run your shop by doing a lot of the operational "heavy lifting," so to speak.

Not only do we provide the right tools for the job, but we're here to partner with your shop. Our support doesn't end, and we're always a quick message or phone call away, anytime you need support!

Our Commitment to Shops Like Yours

Because we're here to help your great shop get even better, we're always open to hearing how we can make Tekmetric even better! 

Want to see Tekmetric in action? Book a demo today to see how you can revolutionize your shop operations.

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