The Tekmetric Industry Index Report: How To Make Your Great Shop Even Better

Looking specifically at the first half of 2023, we set out to gather a high-level view of the entire independent auto repair industry alongside unique Tekmetric shop data to understand how shops like yours can save time, improve operations, and bolster your profit margins.

The Tekmetric Industry Index Report: How To Make Your Great Shop Even Better
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We're always looking for ways to help great shops get even better. That's why we wanted to help shops take advantage of the data, insight, and knowledge we've gained just from shops like yours using our platform.

Some of the minds behind Tekmetric have been exactly where you are: running a shop and trying to maintain that fine balance between success for your team, success for your customers, and success for your business.

And we know there's always that extra .001 millimeter room for improvement, which is why we set out to help shops find and make those improvements. Everything about Tekmetric is about making your shop better!

But we also know that you spend a lot of time running your shop, and that’s why we’re happy to do that heavy lifting. Part of the natural byproduct of helping great shops get better is we have a lot of data and a lot of insight into how shops can, and maybe even should, operate. 

That's the beauty of modern cloud-based shop management systems, they provide businesses like yours with a strong foundation of organization, simplicity, and functionality to run your shop, with the flexibility and freedom to run it in whatever way works best for you.

Looking specifically at the first half of 2023, we set out to gather a high-level view of the entire independent auto repair industry alongside unique Tekmetric shop data to understand how shops like yours can save time, improve operations, and bolster your profit margins.

The goal behind our latest industry index report was simple: we wanted to make it as easy as possible for shops like yours to take advantage of all that amazing data and industry expertise we've gathered along the way.

Keep cars on the road, customers happy, and your team supported for a successful business.

Curious to see how your shop compares? Want to learn how to use Tekmetric to its fullest?

Check out our latest Industry Index Report!

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There's A Window of Opportunity for Shops to Embrace New Technologies

Between economic uncertainty, modern buying experiences, and changing technologies, shops have a unique window of opportunity.

imply put: shops that embrace these market changes – by adopting new technologies, new management platforms, expanding their talent pool, and meeting customers’ expectations –  can boost their average repair order value, while dramatically simplifying workflows.

Just by embracing new tools (think back to when you bought that new alignment rack!), independent auto repair shops can get more value out of the work they already do and position themselves -- their business -- for success and growth. whatever that might mean to them.

Make Your Great Shop Even Better

When it’s as easy as possible for customers to do business with your shop, they’ll be more likely to approve costly repair orders and think of your shop as their first resource the next time they need their vehicle repaired.

Drive to success, download the Industry Index Report now!

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